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Decolonizing a university's tropical ecology curriculum

A new study of curriculum reading material at the University of Glasgow finds that 94% of recommended tropical ecology authors are white, and that 80% of authors are affiliated with universities outside of the tropics. Dr. ...

New study challenges drought theory for Cahokia exodus

Nine hundred years ago, the Cahokia Mounds settlement just across the Mississippi River from present-day St. Louis bustled with roughly 50,000 people in the metropolitan area, making it one of the largest communities in the ...

High ceilings linked to poorer exam results for uni students

Ever wondered why you performed worse than expected in that final university exam where you sat in a cavernous gymnasium or massive hall, despite countless hours, days and weeks of study? Now you have a genuine reason—high ...

Mass tourism brings dollars but with all the baggage

Last August, the picturesque Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan halved to US$100 per night a charge levied on international tourists. The fee recognized the "important role of the tourism sector in generating employment, earning ...

Study reveals birth month impact on soccer careers

What do soccer players Jamal Musiala, Arda Guler and Cristiano Ronaldo have in common? Not only are they shining for their respective nations in Germany; they were each born in February. Researchers at the University of Strathclyde ...

Research investigates employment match quality

The quality of an employment match is an important aspect of understanding labor market dynamics, according to Professor Michèle Belot, but measuring match quality presents many challenges.

Can we make 'citizen science' better?

During a stifling heat wave in August 2021, 80 volunteers from Massachusetts communities along the Mystic River fixed sensors to their car windows and bicycles, traveling along 19 predetermined routes recording ambient temperature ...

More news

Study finds minority status, social origin, gender, and weight can all count against a German kid's grades
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Deadly crowd crush at Indian religious gathering shows how dangerous leaving an event can be
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Britain's first AI politician claims he will bring trust back to politics—putting him to the test
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Why mental health and neurodivergence should not be used to explain incel violence
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Q&A: Research explores role of allies in shaping inclusive workplaces
The impact of research globalization on the efficiency of emerging and Nobel-Prize-level topics
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Opinion: Banning social media for under-16s won't help—teaching digital media literacy will
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Social media is a likely cause of confusion in modern mate selection
Aboriginal ritual passed down over 12,000 years, cave find shows
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Study: More complaints, worse performance when AI monitors employees
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Watching others' biased behavior unconsciously creates prejudice, finds study
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Understanding the synchronization of physiological states during a live music performance
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How girls fare when only a son will do
Why boredom can be great for kids
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The importance of self delivery in online retail
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A new approach to regulating speech on social media: Treating users as workers
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Study shows why direct sales are gaining ground on multi-brand shops in the field of online commerce
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Will the Paris 2024 Olympics be a platform for activist protests amid global tensions?
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Will digital currencies become the norm as the world moves towards a cashless society?
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Regulation needed to curb favoritism between countries and credit rating agencies, new research suggests

Other news

Scientists discover new plants that could lead to 'climate-proof' chocolate
Plants & Animals
Sparrows as sentinels: Health study illustrates the interconnectedness of humans and wildlife
Plants & Animals
Grasses in the fog: Plants support life in the desert
Nova eruption of V1716 Sco inspected in X-rays and gamma rays
A new blue: Mysterious origin of the ribbontail ray's electric blue spots revealed
Analytical Chemistry
New organic molecule shatters phosphorescence efficiency records and paves way for rare metal-free applications
Condensed Matter
Physicists develop method to detect single-atom defects in semiconductors
General Physics
Searching for dark matter with the coldest quantum detectors in the world
Compact cities found to have lower carbon emissions but poorer air quality, less green space and higher mortality rates
Why do you keep your house so cold? Study suggests childhood home temperature can predict adult thermostat settings
Soft Matter
New theory reveals fracture mechanism in soft materials
Molecular & Computational biology
Energy landscape theory sheds light on evolution of foldable proteins
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers uncover key mechanisms in chromosome structure development
How 36,000 buried tea bags help explain global decomposition
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers discover photo-induced charge-transfer complex between amine and imide
Paleontology & Fossils
Giant salamander-like creature was a top predator in the ice age before the dinosaurs
General Physics
Physicists explore how fluctuations shape transport networks
Earth Sciences
Treasures beneath the ocean floor? Seawater plays role in gold formation
Optics & Photonics
Scientists achieve first intercity quantum key distribution with deterministic single-photon source
Earth Sciences
Study reveals ancient Nile floods were highly variable during wetter climates