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How 36,000 buried tea bags help explain global decomposition

Co-developed by Umeå university, a method to measure the decay of plant material with the help of simple tea bags has quickly become the standard in scientific research as well as a favorite teaching activity throughout ...

Researchers capture never-before-seen view of gene transcription

Every living cell transcribes DNA into RNA. This process begins when an enzyme called RNA polymerase (RNAP) clamps onto DNA. Within a few hundred milliseconds, the DNA double helix unwinds to form a node known as the transcription ...

New mRNA technology turns cells into long-lasting drug factories

A team of researchers has established a ribonucleic acid (RNA)-based method that drives cells in the body to produce therapeutic proteins and secrete them into the bloodstream. The approach could potentially extend the lifespan ...

Discovering a new piranha species in the Amazon Basin

Have you ever wondered what secrets the Amazon Basin holds beneath its murky waters? I'm Flavio Gallo Cardozo, a biologist from Bolivia, and I'm excited to share with you the journey of discovering a new piranha species, ...

More news

Plants & Animals
Whale sharks given a health check with ultrasound imaging technique
Plants & Animals
Why cats meow at humans more than each other
How (apparently) identical animals can be completely different species
Plants & Animals
Some birds win and some lose with sea level rise, expert says
What fathers in the animal kingdom can tell us about humans
Plants & Animals
Dealing with a taboo: Do hunting and fishing bring us closer to nature?
Plants & Animals
Experimental bermudagrasses show varied drought response
Plants & Animals
Intervarietal grafts of sweet, serrano peppers on Pasilla 18M
Out in the cold: Enhancing frost tolerance in wheat
Molecular & Computational biology
Graph learning modules enhance drug-target interaction predictions
Plants & Animals
Scientists pinpoint strategies that could stop cats from scratching your furniture
Plants & Animals
Artificial light is a deadly siren song for young fish
Plants & Animals
Exploring bird breeding behavior and microbiomes in the radioactive Chornobyl Exclusion Zone
Plants & Animals
Discovering new anti-aging secrets from the world's longest-living vertebrate
Plants & Animals
Pregnant fish can also get 'baby brain,' but not the way that mammals do
Plants & Animals
Shark hatching success drops from 82% to 11% in climate change scenario
Plants & Animals
Newborn white rhino Silverio takes his first giant steps in a Chilean zoo in a boost to his species
Paleontology & Fossils
Team plans 3D modeling project for France's natural history collections
In Belgian farmland, 'Saving Bambi' one dawn mission at a time
Chad rangers battle to protect park from poachers, local farmers

Other news

Nova eruption of V1716 Sco inspected in X-rays and gamma rays
A new blue: Mysterious origin of the ribbontail ray's electric blue spots revealed
Analytical Chemistry
New organic molecule shatters phosphorescence efficiency records and paves way for rare metal-free applications
Condensed Matter
Physicists develop method to detect single-atom defects in semiconductors
General Physics
Searching for dark matter with the coldest quantum detectors in the world
Astronomers observe a strong shock front in galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ 2031-4037
Compact cities found to have lower carbon emissions but poorer air quality, less green space and higher mortality rates
Why do you keep your house so cold? Study suggests childhood home temperature can predict adult thermostat settings
Bone remains indicate extinct humans survived on the Tibetan plateau for 160,000 years
Soft Matter
New theory reveals fracture mechanism in soft materials
World's oldest artwork discovered in Indonesian cave
New study challenges drought theory for Cahokia exodus
Social Sciences
Cryptocurrency investors are more likely to self-report 'Dark Tetrad' personality traits, study shows
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers discover photo-induced charge-transfer complex between amine and imide
General Physics
Physicists explore how fluctuations shape transport networks
Earth Sciences
Treasures beneath the ocean floor? Seawater plays role in gold formation
New models suggest Milky Way is not as packed with stars as previously thought
High ceilings linked to poorer exam results for uni students
Optics & Photonics
Scientists achieve first intercity quantum key distribution with deterministic single-photon source
Earth Sciences
Study reveals ancient Nile floods were highly variable during wetter climates